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A new community-focused initiative aims to create a more unified Flintshire

A new community-focused initiative involving North Wales Police officers and faith leaders aims to create a more unified Flintshire.

Sgt Dave Smith is leading the initiative and hopes it can strengthen cohesion within the area.

He said:

“We welcome contact from all the faith leaders from across Flintshire with the aim of getting them all together for an informal discussion.

“We want this to be a circle of discussion where everyone’s voice is heard. It should help us better understand everyone’s views and how we can work together for the benefit of the wider community.

“The hope is that we can all work together to make Flintshire a better place to live and strengthen those community links.

“This is also about dispelling some of the misconceptions some people might have about the police and the work we do.

“We recognise that beliefs and values can vary a lot between communities and that some people have a mistrust of the police for one reason or another.

“We hope this initiative can open a few doors for us in communities where historically it has been harder for us to reach in terms of our messaging.

Anyone with connections to local faith groups within Flintshire and who wishes to attend the event can email:


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