Foster4 - Cheshire West and Chester Council, Halton Borough Council and Warrington Borough Council’s shared foster carer recruitment service, has launched a new campaign aimed at those who are now home-based.
The new campaign, Home Based Heroes, aims to target those who are now settled into more flexible working, who may have thought about fostering before, but didn’t have the flexibility in their previous circumstances. It highlights six different types of fostering that could be undertaken, showing there is something almost everyone could do, whatever their circumstances.
Cllr Robert Cernik, Cabinet Member for Children and Families said: “Our community of foster carers is thriving, but more than ever, we need more of our residents to consider supporting a local child or young person. Now that many are settled into a more flexible working pattern, we hope that more people will be able to consider fostering too.
“Being available to undertake school runs and having some flexibility during the day to attend meetings for example, are things that are now much more feasible for many people.
“The campaign highlights six types of care you could undertake - our biggest areas of need, including: caring for teenagers; siblings; children with additional needs; unaccompanied asylum seeking children and young people (UASC); and if you’re at home full-time, babies and toddlers or young parents and their new-borns together.
“So, if you’re great with children and young people, have a spare bedroom and have time in your life to support a child or young person, Foster4 would love to hear from you.”
Visit the Foster4 website to find out more about the six types of fostering and how you too could become a Home Based Hero. You can also follow Foster4 on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @foster4cheshire
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