Sutton Way estate in Ellesmere Port is to get a major refurbishment after the Council’s Cabinet agreed to move forward with plans to improve people’s homes.
Cheshire West and Chester Council has announced its £8m plan for the estate to enhance the lives of people living there.
The project includes improving the exterior of the blocks of flats, including the reconfiguration of some blocks and introduction of new buildings, carrying out environmental work, improving car parking, bin storage and security, and ensuring the homes are better protected from noise internally.
Cllr Angela Claydon, Cabinet Member for Housing, said: “The homes at Sutton Wayalready meet the decent homes standard but we’re aware that the design of the blocks encourages anti-social behaviour and fly tipping.
“Residents have told us that the communal areas are dark and unwelcoming and noise travels between flats and communal areas and we’ve listened to them. These issues are resulting in a number of residents moving away and we want to ensure the whole community feel safe and protected.
“The provision of good quality and affordable housing that meets the needs of everyone is one of the Council’s key priorities. We’re investing £8 million in our Sutton Way proposals to create a clean, safe and sustainable neighbourhood that supports a vibrant and healthy community.”
Extensive consultation has already been undertaken with residents to capture their views and make sure plans address key issues in their area. Wider consultation and engagement will also be carried out in early December and continue throughout the life of the project. Feedback has been positive and residents are pleased to see plans for investment to Sutton Way being brought forward.
One leaseholder of Sutton Way, Mr Edwards, said: “The proposed improvement plans look very good. Any improvements made would be a much needed boost to the area.”