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Council launches consultation on Public Space Protection Order controls

Cheshire West and Chester Council is asking for views on existing and proposed Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) controls to tackle anti-social behaviour in public places.

In October 2014 the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 introduced powers to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) within communities, including the power to make PSPOs.

PSPOs can be used to regulate activities in public spaces that can have a detrimental effect on the local community.

They can help by giving local councils and local police additional powers to tackle ASB in specified locations to reduce the risk of members of the public being exposed to ASB.

A PSPO was created for the city of Chester in May 2016 which currently gives the police and authorised Council officers the authority to:

  • Confiscate alcohol from any person who is drinking alcohol in a public place and is causing, or likely to cause ASB.
  • Enforce against any person who has urinated or defecated within a public space (excluding public toilets).
  • Enforce against any person using ‘psychoactive substances’ or is in possession of them or other items that can be used to take them.

The Chester City PSPO is published online at: 

Chester City PSPO

Any person who does not comply with the PSPO may receive a £100 fixed penalty notice (FPN) or face prosecution with a maximum fine £1,000.

Councils are required to carry out a review of PSPO measures every three years.

A public consultation has been launched to gather feedback on existing and proposed  measures in  three sections:

Section one concerns the measures in the current Chester City PSPO.

Section two concerns additional measures that are being considered for inclusion under a varied Chester City PSPO.

Section three asks whether each measure should apply to Chester City only, or whether it should apply boroughwide.

The Council’s Cabinet Member for Homes, Planning and Safer Communities, Councillor Christine Warner said: 

“We would like to hear your views on the measures in the current Chester City PSPO, the additional measures being considered and the area where each measure should apply and welcome feedback from all our residents, businesses, visitors and partners.

“This feedback is really important for us to understand how anti-social behaviour harms our communities and to hear people’s views on the measures contained within the PSPO.”

The consultation will be running over an eight-week period from Wednesday 4 December 2024 until Thursday 30 January 2025.

There are several ways you can take part and share your views:

Further information on all current PSPOs for Cheshire West and Chester can be found at: 

Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) | Cheshire West and Chester Community Safety Partnership (westcheshire-csp.co.uk)

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