Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Public Health officers are working alongside Public Health England to support local schools to manage several confirmed cases of COVID-19.
All schools affected have successfully completed contact tracing. All staff and pupils who have been in contact with those suffering symptoms have been advised to self-isolate for 14 days.
These pupils will continue to be supported by the school to study at home and will not experience any further delays in their education.
Parents can be reassured that, if they have not been contacted by the school, their child is not connected to any of those affected.
What to do if a child shows symptoms:
Parents should not send their child to school if they have COVID-19 symptoms: a high temperature, a new and continuous cough, or a change in or loss of sense of taste or smell
Parents and guardians should notify the school immediately if their child has COVID-19 symptoms
The household should self-isolate and arrange for the child to be tested. Call 119 or visit nhs.uk/coronavirus.
The household should continue to self-isolate until the test result comes back
If the test is positive, notify the school and the child with the positive test result will need to continue self-isolating for 10 days and the rest of the family will need to continue self-isolating for a further 14 days
Public Health will then work with the school to identify anyone who has been in contact with that child who may also need to self-isolate.
Councillor Louise Gittins, Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council, said: “The Council’s public health officers worked with school leaders in the weeks leading up to the reopening of schools to offer public health advice, run scenario planning activities and guide school leaders on the workings of the Test and Trace System.
“Already our schools are putting this knowledge into practice as we have begun experiencing cases of COVID-19 in our schools this week.
“As a result of careful planning, schools are in the process of preventing the spread of the virus by ensuring affected pupils and staff self-isolate. Those unaffected can continue their education in the classroom and staff can support those children at home.
“We will continue to work with schools, Public Health England and the Test and Trace over the coming days and weeks to monitor the situation and act accordingly when cases are reported.
“We ask all parents to contact their child’s school if they develop symptoms and follow the public health advice to self-isolate. By doing this, you will be playing your part to protect our community.”
For the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) local updates please visit www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk