A recent operation carried out by Cheshire West and Chester Council to highlight the requirement for dog owners to have the means to pick up after their pet has proved a welcome success.
Public Protection officers visited hot spot areas at peak dog walking times and checked with dog owners if they had anything with them to pick up after their four-legged friend, as required under the borough-wide Dog Fouling and Dog Control Public Space Protection Order.
The Council’s Cabinet Member for Homes, Planning and Safer Communities, Councillor Christine Warner said:
“Dog fouling is a problem caused by thoughtless dog owners who regularly neglect to clean up after their dogs.
“Our officers spoke to approximately 150 dog walkers, and I am pleased to report that only six of those approached did not have the means to pick up after their pet.
“As this was the first operation of its kind, officers gave advice to the six dog walkers and reminded them that in future they could face being issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100 if they did not carry the means to pick up after their dog.”
Officers also gave away free dog poo bags to dog walkers they engaged with during the operation.
Dog walkers told officers they were encouraged by the operation and were pleased to see council officers in their local area.
The operation will be repeated and other hotspot areas will also be considered in the future.
Dog fouling can be reported using this online form on the Council’s website:
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