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Explore the future of Chester’s One City Plan

Hear about Chester’s One City Plan at public drop-in sessions taking place on Friday, 3 December, 10am to 8pm, and Saturday, 4 December, 10am to 7pm at the Co-llective Coworking Hub in The Forum Shopping Centre.

Earlier this year co-leads of Good for Nothing Chester (GFN), Uná Meehan and Holly Nelson, launched a programme of consultations engaging with a diverse range of city users including residents, businesses and key stakeholders, to revisit and review the plan. The consultation collated insights and themes from those who took part, which will now be taken forwards by the Council, and inform the One City Plan.

Councillor Richard Beacham, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Growth, Economy & Regeneration said: “The One City Plan is a unifying document, drawing together the hopes and ambitions of a broad range of people and organisations in our city. 

"Re-visiting this 15-year strategy at its mid-point using new techniques to work with different people in the city has enriched this document and ensured it is relevant for the times we live in.

"No one predicted a global pandemic and combined with the impact on the high street of changing shopping and leisure trends, and the climate emergency, we face many new challenges.

"Please come along to one of the drop-in days, to learn about the ideas for our city so that we can face the future together."

Uná Meehan, Good for Nothing Chester said: “We’re really pleased with the passion, insights and feedback this process has unearthed. Although this began as a community consultation, the scope of work increased in response to the enthusiasm shown by participants and those invested in Chester’s future success.”

GFN fed back to the Council in June, and have since delivered workshops to Chester Growth Partnership, Council officers and Councilors for the city of Chester.

Uná added: “Having delivered these workshops, we now can’t wait to share the findings with the wider public - this consultation was about giving the people of Chester a voice, and we hope we’ve done them proud. Come and see for yourself.”

Those who come along will have the opportunity to view the discoveries of Good for Nothing’s consultation and have their say on the recommendations. This is an opportunity to view the raw data and the emerging themes that will help Chester, not just over the next 15 years, but to 2050 and beyond.

The drop-in sessions are being hosted by Good for Nothing Chester and Ludicology in partnership with Chester Growth Partnership and Cheshire West and Chester Council, who will be on hand to answer any questions.

For more information on the One City Plan please visit:


Pictured - Good For Nothing Chester co-leads Holly Nelson (left) and Uná Meehan.

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