Cheshire West and Chester Council has issued a call out to carers to take the opportunity to share their views in an important consultation before it closes next month.
Carers and those who support carers across west Cheshire are being invited to share their views on a range of proposed improvements to the support service they receive. The consultation closes on 5 December so there’s still time for people to have their say and make a difference to the support on offer to them.
Earlier this year the Council launched its new All Age Carers Strategy following extensive consultation throughout the borough.
In response to what carers told the Council during the strategy consultation, Cheshire West and Chester Council, in partnership with Cheshire East Council and the NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning group, is now proposing to integrate three current contracts to create one comprehensive service that operates across Cheshire.
The improved service would have a central contact centre which will coordinate more localised community services for carers. Other new elements of the service would include the introduction of a single point of access, a 24-hour carer helpline, carers assessments completed by providers, the introduction of a Take a Break service and carer ID cards.
Some of the identified aims of moving to this service offer would be to:
- improve pathways of referrals,
- deliver more localised carer services,
- increase the number of carers assessments and reviews,
- for support to be available at times carers need,
- to improve the experience of carers in health settings,
- to offer carers more flexible and appropriate breaks from their caring role,
- to make it easier for carers to identify themselves,
- to improve support for young carers in education settings.
The council wants to hear from carers and people who support carers to ensure that the proposed improved support offer meets their needs as identified by the All Age Carers Strategy 2021-26.
The council’s cabinet member for adult social care and public health, Cllr Val Armstrong said: “We would encourage carers and people who support carers to share their views as this consultation draws to a close. It’s a great opportunity to have their say and to help make a difference.
“We want to hear from as many people as possible, so that we can make sure we are giving them the support they need to do this incredibly important job.
“The proposed improvements to our support services build upon what we already offer so we can make it as easy as possible for carers to access help, locally, when they need it.
“By taking part in this consultation, carers can let us know what they think about what we are proposing, so we’d urge them to please get involved and have their say.”
Cheshire West and Chester Council worked alongside carers to develop the All Age Carers Strategy 2021-26, which was launched in April this year.
People can get involved with the consultation in the following ways:
- Visiting https://cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/carers-consultation and completing an online questionnaire
- Requesting paper and easy read versions by calling the council’s contact centre on 0300 123 8123 quoting ‘Joint All Age Carers Service Consultation’
- Emailing their views to: engagement@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
- Writing to Cheshire West and Chester Council at: Joint All Age Carers Service Consultation, Peoples Commissioning and Contracts, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Floor 2, 4 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE
- Telephone: The council’s contact centre on 0300 123 8123 quoting ‘Joint All Age Carers Service Consultation’
- Taking part in a virtual discussion group or make an appointment for a telephone discussion – please see the website for details on how to register.
- Speaking to one of the council’s commissioning officers at any of our drop-in sessions or active engagement events - please see the website for locations, dates, and times no appointment necessary.
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