Cabinet Members will be asked to support a review of Flintshire’s Local Toilet Strategy and action plan when it meets on Tuesday 18th July.
Part 8 of the Public Health (Wales) Act 2017 includes Provision of Toilets and introduces responsibilities for local authorities to provide local toilet strategies.
Speaking ahead of a formal 12-week consultation on its revised Local Toilet Strategy, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Regional Transport Strategy, Councillor Dave Hughes said:
“I would like to thank those people who recently completed a questionnaire around the current facilities in Holywell, Mold and Talacre.
The feedback received has given us a good insight of the issues experienced by residents and visitors to Flintshire. This feedback has provided direction for the revised Local Toilet Strategy, which aligns with our commitment to improve the standard of facilities across the county over the next 4-5 years.
The draft strategy proposes better changing facilities for babies and changing places facilities for people with disabilities.
We also aim to secure the future of current provision as well as looking at ways to increase the number of public toilets available and improving access to all groups of people.”
Cabinet members will consider the ambitious Local Toilet Strategy and action plan which explores the possibility of alternative funding streams and the possibility of making toilets in other Council owned buildings available for public use and to work with the private sector to help promote their facilities.
Following approval by Cabinet, the draft Local Toilet Strategy will be subject to a statutory 12-week consultation period.
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