Flintshire County Council’s cabinet will be asked to approve the Capital Programme for 2024/25 – 2026/27.
The proposed programme includes a wide range of long-term investments such as the provision of a new Welsh Medium school with integrated childcare facilities, a new care home which will increase bed capacity and create service resilience, and an integrated learning disability centre, as well as infrastructure funding to support the maintenance of schools and highway network across the County.
Cabinet Member for Finance, Inclusion, Resilient Communities including Social Value and Procurement, Councillor Paul Johnson, said:
“The programme whilst still ambitious, has been prudently considered to maximise external capital funding the Council receives and at the same time reduce its borrowing requirements. Three schemes within the programme are supported by a confirmed £28m of Welsh Government Grant.”
The proposed programme also includes a Re:Fit programme and development of children’s residential care provision, which members will be asked to support.
The Re:Fit Framework will enable the Council to accelerate the Council’s Climate Change strategy which was adopted in February 2022 by retrofitting building and assets with measures which will reduce energy consumption, cost and carbon, and will be funded on a spend to save basis.
The need for the development of children’s residential care in Flintshire is driven by both legislation and need. The new provision will ensure there is enough safe, high-quality, and supportive placements for looked after children. Placing children locally as opposed to out of county will allow them to maintain links with family, friends, and their support networks.
The proposed joint archive facility for Flintshire County Council and Denbighshire County Council will be located in Flintshire and replace the existing unsuitable facilities located in multiple buildings across the two Councils. A new modern facility will ensure that the service maintains its accreditation, the project will be funded through external grant with financial contributions from both Councils who will operate the new facility under a joint services agreement.
The programme will be reviewed at the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on November 16 before being presented Cabinet on November 21.
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