Cheshire West and Chester Council is asking people about the key issues and priorities affecting housing where they live.
The Council is creating a new Housing Strategy, to make sure that affordable, good quality, and safe housing is available to everyone in the Borough. The Council wants to hear the views of residents and different groups and organisations to help in developing the new strategy.
The strategy will cover all sectors of the housing market including social rents, the private rental sector, and owner occupation, as well as specialist housing provision for older people and adults with additional needs.
The feedback provided by people will help to inform the key themes and priorities of the new strategy. Once the strategy is drafted, people will have the opportunity to comment on it before it is finalised.
A series of workshops have already taken place with partners including health, care, housing associations, developers, charities, and Cheshire Police, amongst others. A steering group has also been set up including housing associations, the Council’s Adult and Children’s Services, the voluntary sector, the Council’s Regeneration team, the private rental sector, and members of the community.
People are asked to share their views on the Council’s online engagement platform, Participate Now, which includes a questionnaire and an interactive map where people can pin what they feel are the key issues for housing in their area.
Cllr Christine Warner, Cabinet Member for Homes, Planning and Safer Communities, said:
“Housing is vital for our residents and the prosperity of our Borough. Housing can affect so many areas of people’s lives, whether it be economic, financial, and wellbeing, making having a good quality, safe and affordable home to live in so important. It is not just about homes; it is about communities. I encourage residents to have their say on housing issues and priorities where they live, to help us in developing our strategy to make sure housing in Cheshire West and Chester is fit for the future.”
To share your views on the key issues and priorities affecting housing in your area, visit the website below:
The questionnaire and information are also available in paper format on request.
The deadline for responses is Thursday 28 March 2024.
For more information on housing in Cheshire West and Chester, visit the Council website:
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