Cheshire West and Chester Council is encouraging residents to share their views on its draft strategy for ensuring everyone aged fifty-five and over can live safely and age well within their local communities and own homes.
The Council is undertaking a borough wide consultation to support the development of a new Accommodation and Support Strategy. The final strategy will make west Cheshire a place that can support older people by ensuring local accommodation meets the changing needs of an individual as they age and is flexible to adapt to changing physical conditions and health.
Residents have until Sunday (August 28) to share their views.
The strategy will support:
- accommodation at the centre of vibrant communities for people to live and age well and to promote independence and social inclusion,
- good relationships between all services and communities to meet an individual’s
- an infrastructure to deliver flexible care and support in a planned, person-centred
- the creation of dementia-friendly environments,
- accommodation that is affordable and sustainable for the future.
Its aims are to improve health, wellbeing and quality of life for older people, ensuring they can access their local community, live in suitable and adaptable accommodation with
appropriate care and support, have a range of accommodation choices and get the right level of support at the right time and in the right way.
Cabinet member for adult social care and health, Councillor Val Armstrong, said: “Our vision is for our residents to live healthy, happy and independent lives. We want everyone to be able to remain independent in their own homes for as long as possible and make informed decisions about any future care and support services they may need.
“As part of this we also need to ensure that west Cheshire has the right support and provision in place to make sure everyone can make decisions that are right for them when the time comes and for that we need you to share your views.
“It is important that the Council not only delivers high-quality, adaptable accommodation, but also that it delivers care and support services to those that use it, and builds resilience and connections to the community that they live in. As people age we want them to have a good life and remain connected with the people they care about and their communities.
“We are particularly interested to hear from those who already receive accommodation and support services, those that may be considering accessing these services in the future, local or new care and support providers, and developers.
“We’re consulting on our draft strategy until this Sunday and there are many ways to get involved so please make sure you have your say before it closes.”
For further information on the consultation please visit www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/ageingwellconsultation.
There are a number of ways that you can get involved and share your views.
- Complete a survey online here https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/CWCC-AWAS.
- Email your views to: info@askforresearch.co.uk.
- Share your views by telephone: please call Ask for Research on 01630 658000
and quote ‘Ageing Well Accommodation and Support Strategy consultation’
(standard phone charges apply or we will be happy to call you back).
- Send your views by letter to: Ask for Research, Pell Wall Court, Pell Wall, Market
Drayton, TF9 2AD (please email or phone above to be sent a Freepost envelope
if preferred).
- Request a copy of our consultation in alternative formats, including paper and easy read, using the contact details above.
The consultation is open until Sunday 28 August 2022. Feedback will help shape the Ageing Well Accommodation and Support Strategy, which will change the way we deliver and commission accommodation and support for Older People living in Cheshire West and Chester.
The final strategy will be reviewed by the Council’s Cabinet later in the year.
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