Approximately 70% of burglaries are committed on a weekday, with the majority gaining access through the front door.
Burglars are often opportunistic thieves who prey on houses and flats. They seek out any opening that they can take advantage of, specifically doors and windows that are left open or unlocked or are easy to force. Anything of value that they might spot through a window will only spur them on. But it really doesn’t take much to deter these thieves – just smart thinking.
Burglar facts:
Burglars target homes that they think will contain valuables. Leaving valuables on show through windows and doors such as keys, money, electronics, can increase the risk of you being targeted - ensure all valuables are out of sight.
Burglars often look for homes with windows or doors left open or with vulnerable features that they can exploit - close and lock all your doors and windows, even if you’re only going out for a few minutes.
Burglars are aware of the times when someone is expected to be away from their house such as during the school run or holidays - if you’re out all day or going on holiday, then it’s advisable to use a timer device to automatically turn lights and a radio on at night.
Burglars typically do not want to be seen or heard and if they feel that they would be noticed by a neighbour or passer-by then they are more likely to feel exposed and may move on to find somewhere else to burgle – keep your garden maintained and use dusk till dawn lights to improve visibility.
Sheds and garages are often vulnerable as they are not that secure and contain tools and valuables – lock your shed/garage and consider property marking to make them less appealing to thieves.
For further crime prevention advice, please visit:
Keep your homes safe and always report any suspicious behaviour.
101 and 999 in an emergency
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