In March, when the lockdown of public places was due to be announced, for SPACE, a local charity in Chester that run a support centre for families of children with additional needs, closing was inevitable.
The charities aim is to relieve isolation experienced by families that have children with disabilities. At their centre in Chester they provide support groups for parents and siblings as well as fully accessible play facilities for family members of all abilities.
Charity manager and founder Jemma Gregory states ‘we were devastated to close so soon after renovating the centre, but our biggest worry was the impact lock down would have on our families. In their favour, isolation is something many of them know well. It’s the whole reason SPACE exists, to try and alleviate that and give families of children with additional needs their own space - accessible, supportive and inclusive.
We were faced with a new challenge, supporting families from a distance and we questioned if we could. ‘
SPACE took to the online world and from when lockdown down began they began to run a programme of support activities that included:
- A daily helpline for parent has been set up to support families to access information they need.
- Daily online interactive sessions for children of all abilities including sing & sign, story times, music & movement.
- Staff and volunteers available to help families get supplies of medication and food they need
- 5 weekly parent-carer support sessions via video conferencing including quizzes, a chat group and bingo.
- A weekly interactive sibling group to continue to help brothers and sisters feel connected.
- weekly challenges for families to join in such a design and Easter Bonnet, a SPACE ‘bake off’ and an ongoing sunflower growing competition.
The charity have also sent out sensory packs regularly to more than 100 local families, these have included an art & craft pack at Easter, musical instruments to help children join in the online sessions, sunflower planting kits and a sensory tray with a variety of activities to keep children entertained whilst locked down. They have also sent out parent wellbeing packs encouraging parents make time for themselves.
Jemma adds ‘We are still very much there for our families. Our team of staff have adapted well to working from home providing these services. The feedback we’ve had from families has been very positive and it’s so rewarding to know that we can still be there for them.
It took a bit of getting used to for everyone, but we are so glad we can give a little bit of light relief in this stressful time. A voice at the end of the phone, a dance and a sing, a package through the door, a bedtime story, a familiar face, a time to switch off, an answer to a question, or just the knowledge that you aren’t alone. ‘
SPACE would like to thank The Steve Morgan Foundation, The Cheshire Community Foundation, Neighbourly, Muir Housing, Tesco Groundwork and Greggs Foundation as well as the many supporters who have raised funds to endure the charity can continue their work through the pandemic.
Amanda Hartley, a SPACE parent wrote this:
Space has been a local and supportive network for our family for a number of years. Within this unprecedented time, we haven’t been able to attend the safe haven that is Space.
Having a child with physical and complex health needs - we entered a self-isolation process earlier than the recommended lockdown from the government. Life can be incredibly tough on any individual and family within the normal mundane environments but to have a child with our daughter’s needs during this current time has been excessively tough!
Whilst schools, therapies and services were all learning to find their feet through guidance from the government. I turned to the virtual reality world for normality, advice, coping mechanisms and recommendations for home schooling two children – one SEND and one mainstream.
Instantly SPACE came into my head as they were the perfect charity to help us and let’s face it.... this is their forte!
It was delightful to see that Jemma, Claire and Lucy had immediately stepped up and were offering all the families different experiences, adventures and sensory aspects all through a safe virtual world.
Easter postal craft packs, musical instruments and sunflower seeds have been a wonderful helpful resource that has provided my family with a routine as well a family activities. Space is meeting our daughter needs but the team has gone beyond the call of duty and arranged sibling activities, quiz, bingo and craft evenings for parents/carers.
These activities have been invaluable to myself, husband and son and have helped us keep in touch with other families whilst helping our mental health. We are really enjoying the small escapism which we hope will prevent any burnout.
We look forward to seeing you all face to face in the flesh when it’s safe for us all to do so. Please keep up the support and a huge well done especially with having your own issues and families to support within these frightening times.