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Louise Gittins re-elected as leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council

A pledge not to let down the people of Cheshire West has been made by the re-elected leader of the council.

Labour leader Louise Gittins, whose party gained overall control of the local authority in May's elections, told colleagues: "I am very excited about the future, and I know we will rise to every challenge and opportunity that comes our way."

Addressing the 70-member full council at Wyvern House in Winsford, Cllr Gittins said: "Thank you for electing me as leader for the next four years. This is such a great honour to be able to continue with our work and our service to our communities.

"I will not let you down and I will ensure our THRIVE values - Teamwork, Honesty, Respect, Innovation, Value for money and Empowerment - continue to be at the heart of our council working."

Addressing opposition parties, Cllr Gittins, who represents Little Neston, said: "Under my leadership over the last four years we have all worked hard together across the political divide for our residents.

"This was so important during the pandemic and more recently coping with the impacts of Brexit, Homes for Ukraine and the cost-of-living crisis."

But she added: "I am delighted the Labour group now has a working majority. Each of our councillors was elected on a vision of HOPE - (the mission statement set out in the Party's council election manifesto) - which we will now deliver.

"We have a proud record of protecting public services in Cheshire, keeping open community centres, day care, children's centres, libraries, museums, swimming pools and leisure centres and investing in education skills and employment opportunities, supporting town centres by valuing our heritage, celebrating our culture and supporting local businesses."

And she added: "Despite a global pandemic we launched our four ambitious regeneration programmes in Chester, Ellesmere Port, Northwich and Winsford - all now at different stages - building for economic and social regeneration.

"We have continued to provide quality social care, despite a decade of government cuts to our budgets and we are investing in our parks and green spaces for everyone to enjoy."

Looking ahead to a "shiny future for our residents", Cllr Gittins said: "We are taking action to tackle poverty, to combat climate change and we will keep fighting - locally and on the sub-regional and national stage - for the things that matter the most.

"Our message of HOPE will be central to our new council plan, ensuring decent services are there to help residents when they need them, creating opportunities for individuals and families to live in a decent home, to work in a good job and learn new skills, to stay proud of our town centres, parks, roads and neighbourhoods, despite seismic economic changes and a decade of cuts.

"Finally, we will protect the environment and improve it for future generations."

Pictured – Council leader Louise Gittins.

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