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Prestigious national mental health award for NHS in Cheshire

The NHS in Cheshire has been recognised as the winner of the Mental Health Service Redesign Initiative, at the Health Service Journal (HSJ) Value Awards 2020, for working to improve specialist mental health services for local people.

CWP in partnership with NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have been awarded the prestigious national title after transforming services for people severely affected by mental health problems including improving people’s experiences through more person-centred care, improved inpatient facilities and through a wider range of out-of-hospital services.

Sheena Cumiskey, CWP chief executive, explains: “We are absolutely delighted that the work we have done in Cheshire to improve specialist mental health services has received a national award. The new model of care means local people can access enhanced community mental health services and 24/7 mental health crisis care, alongside a £4.5million investment into two new state of the art inpatient mental health wards which opened in Macclesfield at the start of this year.

“These new services are helping more people to continue their lives, with support, in the community whilst providing high quality hospital care when needed.

“Recent events related to COVID-19 have been challenging for all of us in different ways and it means a great deal to all those involved in the redesign, people who access our services, volunteers, staff and partners, to be recognised in this way. I would like to thank everyone who has worked so hard to make these new services a reality.”

HSJ Value Awards seek to recognise and reward the teams and the people who are making things better in the NHS by improving outcomes for patients with the judging panel comprised of a diverse range of well-respected figures across the UK healthcare community. Dr Ian Hulme, GP with Meadowside Medical Centre, Congleton and clinical lead for mental health at the CCG, added: “It’s really positive to be recognised for the collaborative work that partners have undertaken to design and develop adult and older people’s mental health services in Cheshire. I'd like to thank all the staff, service users, carers and the wider public who took part in the consultation and listening events.

“We know that it is essential to do all we can to provide patients with timely access to high-quality services where they need them. The new services in the community and the two new mental health facilities in Macclesfield will ensure that service users get the best possible care to help them thrive and not just survive.”

The new specialist mental health model of care was approved last year following a public consultation where service users, carers and the wider public were asked about their views on how to improve care for the 7000 local people severely affected by mental health problems. Feedback from the consultation resulted in a revised preferred option (Option 2 Plus) being taken forward to implementation.

Health Service Journal editor, Alastair McLellan, comments: “The entrants this year have been of incredible calibre, and each of the winners at the HSJ Value Awards 2020 have been chosen based on their outstanding commitment to delivering value and efficiency across their organisation.

“The judges felt this project evidenced real passion and has enormous potential for scalability and replicability. There was great evidence of co-production and patient engagement, as well as a positive impact on staff experience and a reduction in variation.”

The video shows the new inpatient facilities.

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