Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Road Safety team organised an event in Chester city centre to help educate the public on the safe distance to pass a cyclist on the road.
At the event, held on Eastgate Street in Chester, advice was given using a Cycling UK ‘close pass mat’ which shows the safe distance that vehicles should pass cyclists on the road – safe and wide.
The Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport, Councillor Karen Shore said: “The Close Pass / Share the Road publicity event was a fantastic day of collaborative work at which vital messages were delivered to a huge number of people.
“Our Road Safety team has said there were interesting discussions with both drivers and riders, often the same person. Drivers said using the close pass mat on the ground really made them think about the appropriate passing distance to ensure cyclists were kept safe.
“Many thanks to the partners and Council officers involved in the event and spreading these important messages.”
During the day, support from the emergency services included the Road Safety Education Officer from Cheshire Police, as well as officers from Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, and a number of Firefighter and Community Safety Apprentices.
Cheshire Police’s City Policing Team along with Community Safety Wardens who are partners of the Problem Solving Team designated to the city centre by Cheshire West and Chester Council were also at the event carrying out bike marking for members of the public.
Each bike that was marked carried with it a QR sticker to track the bike if it was lost or stolen and the owner of the bike received a free bike lock, bike lights and a bell. Cyclists were offered security advice, the requirement for lights and high visibility clothing, along with the use of a bell in pedestrian areas.
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