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Scam Alert - Cold Callers

Recently we have had a number of reports about persons Cold Calling in North Wales.

In these instances persons have knocked at residential properties trying to sell cleaning products and in some instances became aggressive when householders did not want to buy items. Do not feel obliged to open the door to strangers and if they refuse to leave or become aggressive contact the police or family/friends.

Anyone who calls at your door should have some form of identification. You are well within your rights to ask for this and make a note of their details.

Sometimes these callers  intentions are fraudulent, whether it’s to sell counterfeit goods or services or simply gather information about you or your property. In some cases, fraudsters may even pretend to be from your utilities company and use the excuse of needing to take  a meter reading as a way to gain access to your house.

Never give out banking or personal details to anyone you’re unsure about. If you can’t be certain if a visitor is genuinely who they say they are, ask them to come back at a later date. This gives you time to verify their identity and perhaps also arrange for a relative or friend to be there.

Remember, it’s ok to tell visitors you’re not interested or ask them to leave if you aren’t comfortable. Legitimate visitors will understand.

Below is a link that leads to Flintshire Trading Standards:

Trading Standards (flintshire.gov.uk)

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