A new primary school is being proposed in Saltney, as part of the Council’s modernisation programme.
Flintshire County Council has been building new schools, remodelling and redeveloping buildings to provide inspiring and modern learning environments for students, staff, parents/carers and the wider community.
More than £140 million has been invested over the last 10 years into Flintshire’s school estate.
As part of the continuation of the programme, investment has been identified for the primary schools in Saltney.
In order to secure the required funding for capital investment for Saltney, it is proposed to close and amalgamate Saltney Ferry Primary School and Saltney Wood Memorial Primary School, which are among the highest-ranked schools requiring school modernisation and investment in the education portfolio.
The proposed 3-11 English medium school would remain located on two separate sites for the short-term while a new school is developed on the existing Saltney Wood Memorial site.
Both sites were assessed for potential development, however, Saltney Wood Memorial was chosen as the preferred option due to its viability as a development opportunity, the size of the site and its prominent position in the town.
Claire Homard, Chief officer for Education, said:
“The Council’s school modernisation programme has made good progress in modernising our school estate, meeting demand for places and expanding pupil places where required, including early years provision.
“We have got to ensure that we have got good schools in the right locations that can deliver quality education. This proposal is a great opportunity to ensure learners in Saltney have the best possible opportunities so they can reach their full potential.”
The investment would also include a review of safe routes to school. If required, an investment in improvements to walkways, road crossings and traffic calming measures will be introduced to ensure the required safety standards are met.
Flintshire County Council’s Cabinet will be asked to approve the start of a formal consultation on the plans and for officers to submit an outline business case to Welsh Government.
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