Shoppers in Hoole can look forward to a much more colourful solution to the traditional traffic cones and bollards next week, with new planters introduced along Faulkner Street.
Cones and bollards have been seen across the country to increase the space for pedestrians to be able to observe social distancing. Cheshire West and Chester Council is replacing the traditional with a more welcoming set of wood planters that will include winter plants.
Measures have been put in place across the borough to help residents maintain social distancing whilst outdoors.
Where shops have queues in place and extra space is needed for pedestrians, sometimes the only way to achieve this is by widening pavements and restricting cars from these new pedestrian areas.
Whilst Covid-19 is still a threat, the recommendation remains to maintain two metre social distancing requirement to keep us all safe.
Councillor Karen Shore, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Strategic Transport said: “The new planters have a serious role to give extra space and protection for shoppers, in addition they should also provide an extra splash of colour.
“All of the measures we are putting in place are temporary and subject to review. We are trying to find solutions that work for as many people as possible, codeveloped with our businesses. In the case of Faulkner Street, following meetings with local businesses we have agreed to remove a small number of bays to provide a wider area for pedestrians.
“The on-street bays have been replaced with spaces in Bishop Street car park that have been converted to free 30-minute time limited parking spaces.”
Traffic cones haven’t been completely removed; they will still be used for a short stretch of Faulkner Street to allow deliveries to be made.
The new planters will be installed on Tuesday 22 September from 6.30pm. This will try to reduce the impact on businesses as the road will need to be closed temporarily.