"We Don't Buy Crime" is a brand new initiative where North Wales Police are working with neighbourhoods across North Wales to protect you with forensic property marking technology and help you keep your property safe and secure.
We’ll visit communities across North Wales to encourage you to become Safer Neighbourhoods.
We’ll advise you on the best way to keep your property safe and secure.
We’ll encourage you to mark your property with SmartWaterTech invisible forensic technology, (working with community councils).
We’ll display signs throughout Safer Neighbourhood areas, stating that property is securely protected with forensic technology.
SmartWaterTech is invisible to the naked eye however glows under ultra violet light.
If you have expensive Cameras, Phones, iPads, TVs, Laptops, Bikes, Farming equipment or any other belongings of value then protecting them with SmartWaterTech is an easy and cost effective way to protect belongings.
If you would like further details or more information,
Please feel free to email:
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