Wirral charity Autism Together is calling on the local community to share their thoughts on the restoration and development of a number of listed buildings in historic Bromborough Pool Village.
Earlier this year, Riverside Housing gifted three of those buildings to Autism Together – the Grade II-listed Enterprise Centre, Giles Shirley Hall and the former St Matthew’s Church building.
Now the charity is wanting to undertake some much-needed repairs to the buildings, while looking to provide greater community access to the Enterprise Centre (the village’s former school building) and Giles Shirley Hall.
In order to involve the community fully in this process, Autism Together is hosting a number of information meetings, drop-in sessions and events where the public can find out more and share their thoughts.
The charity will also be asking people to fill in a questionnaire to provide feedback on how they think the village’s community spaces could best be utilised.
Angie Kemp, Autism Together’s Director of Business Development, said:
“For over 10 years, the village has been an important hub for our charity, with buildings in Bromborough Pool hosting a range of our support services.
“The three buildings we were gifted are listed and in a conservation area. Over the years they have seen a great deal of wear and tear, which has left them requiring restoration.
“We are extremely keen to engage with the public, and key stakeholders, to hear their wishes for the village, and how the community spaces within these buildings could best be used by people living nearby.
“We hope members of the local community can come along to one of our upcoming events and share their views, or complete our questionnaire and give feedback that way.”
The Community Consultation Meetings are taking place at Giles Shirley Hall in Bromborough Pool Village on Saturday, November 25th from 2-3pm and Thursday, November 30th from 6-7pm.
Later, Drop-In Events will take place at Bromborough Pool Garden Centre on Tuesday, December 5th from 10am-12 noon and Thursday, December 14th from 1-3pm.
Paper-based questionnaires will be distributed locally and can be picked up from Bromborough Pool Garden Centre and Café. There is also a suggestion box set up in the café for feedback about the project.
All the information about the Bromborough Pool Village project is available on Autism Together’s website, along with the chance to share your thoughts through an online questionnaire.
Find out more online at:
Autism Together was founded in 1968 and provides residential, supported living and day services to over 400 autistic adults, and support to many more families through its services in Wirral and West Cheshire.
Bromborough Pool Village was created as a model village for the workers at Prices Candles, and pre-dates nearby Port Sunlight.
The village is an important hub for the charity, hosting a range of residential and day services, along with their garden centre and café.
At Autism Together:
- We understand that every autistic person is unique, so we work with each individual to help them overcome the difficulties autism presents them with, helping them to lead a happy and fulfilling life.
- The people we support can learn diverse skills in activities such as swimming, cycling, trampolining, woodworking, painting, ceramics and more.
- We have our own farm, garden centre, canal boat, and rock band.
- Over the past decade we’ve won a wide variety of awards for our range of services for autistic people.
Pictured - Autism Together is asking the public for feedback on repairs and community access to buildings in Bromborough Pool Village, namely Giles Shirley Hall, the Enterprise Centre, and the former St Matthew’s Church.’
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