Local counsellor and teacher Kate Blakemore is looking to forge new opportunities for women and girls by bringing together a diverse range of speakers for a very special one-day event to mark the International Day of the Girl on 9th October.
The CEO of the Cheshire women’s mental health charity Motherwell has lined up seven inspirational speakers for the virtual conference who will bring their expertise and ideas to the table in the quest to empower participants.
Kate believes it’s important to be a good listener to be a good speaker and says the panel members are all keen to engage in a lively discussion, geared towards finding solutions that really work.
"I'm so excited and grateful to all the amazing speakers at the conference. They're all experts in their field so it's a great opportunity to learn from them. Personally I'll be looking for inspiration and ideas on how to focus my charity's services so that it's really relevant to those who need it."
The event is the culmination of the social media campaign #inspireme which aims to empower vulnerable girls and young women in need of mental health support and will begin with a talk from an iconic figure in the field of global equality - Dr Helen Pankhurst.
Other speakers include:
Journalist Lydia Greatrix who will talk about sexism in the music industry
Chief Inspector Sarah Pengelly who will reflect on the importance of women supporting women in the workplace
Chief Fire Officer Mark Cashin who will talk about the importance of a diverse workplace and the benefits it can bring
Joyce Williams, an inspirational octogenarian and blogger, who will speak about how to break down age barriers
Gill Badrock, a doctoral student, who will talk about varieties of feminism
Dr Diane Wright who will reflect on the challenges facing female entrepreneurs
Professor Emma Rees who will be asking what feminism needs to do next
Professor Rees said: “As Director of the Institute of Gender Studies at the University of Chester, I welcome initiatives like the Women and Girls' Conference as they provide a platform for the kinds of conversations we need to be having today.”
Those wishing to attend the virtual event can buy tickets for £20 (plus VAT) at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/women-and-girls-conference-tickets-97952383215
The conference lasts from 10am to 4pm and those that can’t join at the time will receive a link to listen at their leisure.
Photos of Kate can be found here and Professor Rees can be found here.
Motherwell can be found at www.motherwellcheshirecio.com
Those wishing to get involved on social media can search for the hashtag #inspireme on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.
Motherwell Cheshire is a charitable organisation founded in 2015 run by women, for women: (Registered Charity 1173554).
It promotes positive health and wellbeing by offering a range of educational services, holistic therapies, workshops and mental health support.
Motherwell Cheshire is active in some of the region’s most deprived areas and gets referrals via social care, health visitors, midwives and GPs.